These days, the digital work culture has taken the world by storm. Of course it was much in prevalence before but now it has become a whole lot more because of the pandemic which has gripped the globe in its deadly hold. Now when you have a business enterprise, it is of the utmost importance to recruit new employees to add to the existing staff strength. However once the work culture becomes virtual, it is slightly difficult to recruit new employees as it would not be as easy and direct to assess them as it was in the traditional work culture. But with digital mode, there also comes a solution for each and every professional hazard.
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One way is to screen the details of the applicant and scan his CV thoroughly. Another point is to find out the previous client feedbacks of the applicant as personal recommendations are much more authentic, be it virtual or offline. In this manner you can gauge the capabilities of the applicant and assess his suitability for the post which he is being considered. The best on boarding process online would be to have a webinar with all of the employees in the company to introduce the new applicant to them, explain the company post and responsibilities and invite any questions if required. Many new job management programs have appeared on the market, and you can use them for this purpose. This is how 48% of large companies are working with the modern techniques, the help of training videos and web modules can also be taken in this aspect. As we move towards the digital work culture be it in schools or other offices, these factors should be taken into account.
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Another process is to you can use on boarding software to organize meetings and webinars. In fact informal sessions can be held for ice breaking between the new employee and the rest of the team. There are many other methods by which you can usher in the new applicant to make him feel welcome and also to explain his duties to him. The virtual on boarding is basically a process by which the recruitment process is done minus the paper flow. So these are some of the best ways to recruit a new employee in the digital age. However you need to be fully aware technologically if you are the team leader and need to know the basic inputs of the employees.
Conclusive summary
There is a fabulous software called the Work Examiner and it has become very popular among the digital work culture people. It records the employee attendance and also monitors the employee computer activities which would be very effective in record time. So, you can also take the help of the work examiner and do the needful for this purpose of hiring the new employees. This software is very helpful for working time tracking platform with in-depth reporting and organizing.