Drones have come a long way from when they started. They now have a variety of uses outside of the military and video productions. But a drone camera is more versatile than you think. Many industries utilise drones to carry out labour-intensive functions and increase productivity. If integrated into society, the use of an HD video drone camera is expected to generate hundreds and thousands of jobs and boost local economies by 2025.
Curious how a drone camera is being used in different markets and industries? We list down unbelievable (but true) uses of a drone camera:
1. Parcel Delivery Drones
Using drones to deliver packages to customers’ homes has been going on for quite some time now. Started by Amazon’s Prime Air service, the plan involves sending items like books and sports equipment to residents who purchased online from any Amazon platform. They will dispatch drones with sensors, capable of steering clear of any obstacle in their path, dropping the package safely to any address, and coming back to the base without incident. This drone delivery initiative is designed for areas outside central business districts or non-urban locations.
Several drones will be tested while considering all delivery factors. One design is as big as 20 DJI Phantoms and mirrors the build and structure of a small airplane. It flies vertically similar to a quadcopter. The service has already been simulated in the United Kingdom and 5 years ago, Amazon announced it will start fielding delivery drones very soon. According to Amazon Air, small drones will take charge of delivering parcels up to 5 pounds in no more than 30 minutes and that all drone camera units used have been chosen with efficiency, stability and safety in mind.
2) Important Agricultural Uses
Unbeknown to many, Japan has utilised drones for its agricultural industry in the last three decades. Their main duties are to spray pesticide, carry objects, and perform various tasks. Data shows that about a third of the country’s rice production is the result of using this technology. These drones have reduced the workload by more than half. In fact, 10 days of manual work is cut back to 2 thanks to the speed and efficiency of drones.
Popular Japanese vehicle manufacturer, Yamaha Motors, was the first to develop drones for agriculture. The initiative eventually spread to the rest of the world and was implemented in different facets of agriculture. Winemakers have also found a good use for HD video drone cameras, which have become instrumental to improving the wine-making process. With the help of a software, wine companies use a drone’s infrared camera to test for diseases, and assess stress levels, grape quality, crop yield and more.
3) Drones Clean Windows Too
It may come as a surprise but drones can now clean windows as high as 1100 feet above the ground. Many households and businesses find cleaning windows a challenge. By using window cleaning drones, however, it will be safer and more efficient to maintain a house or building. No more scaffolding, ropes or dangerous setups in any property. Just automated washing of glass facades at any height.
Germany and UK companies have already laid out the groundwork for window cleaning drones. These enterprises are developing drones that can carry heavy loads, detect defects and clean windows based on software instructions. Drones will get their energy and water supply from the ground station and use pure water to clean windows in less than an hour.
4) Drones for Medical Emergencies
In a bid to provide solutions to unprecedented medical emergencies like cardiac arrest and seizures, the Delft University of Technology from the Netherlands invented the Ambulance Drone. The camera drone captures the first few minutes that are crucial to a patient’s survival while waiting for the real ambulance to arrive. By tapping into its near-omniscient potential, an Ambulance Drone can be integrated into response networks and various communication channels. Its main function is to get to the victim on time and furnish first-aid equipment and instructions to the nearest person. The project is still in progress, requiring more commercial support much like many other drone initiatives.
5) Providing Assistance to Aerial Constructions
What used to be straight out of a science fiction movie is now slowly turning into reality. Drones are already being experimented on to perform more difficult tasks such as constructing buildings. More recent developments are spearheaded by the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology together with The Aerial Construction Project. The team-up aims to further examine and create innovative methods and techniques for implementing the use of robots in aerial construction.
So far, with the use of common-size quadcopters specially customised to get the job done, they have already built a rope bridge spanning 8 yards between two structures. To test for quality, adults were made to cross the bridge from one end to another. It was a resounding success. The same university launched a live exhibition of four quadcopters, laying out 1,500 foam bricks to construct a 20-foot tower. While not currently used for building foundations, companies like Kespry, a US-based drone manufacturer, equip drones with advanced software that lets them track the progress of construction projects, generate 3D models and GIS maps for enhancing surveys, devise road construction plans, calculate volume, elevation or contour lines, and perform other support functions through sanctioned self-governing flights.
6) Drone Cameras Facilitate Wildlife Conservation
Drones have also figured prominently in conservation work. Some conservationists utilise this technology to lure rescued animals back to their natural habitat. A number of endangered species have moved away from their original habitat and conservationists track, distract or bait animals using a drone camera. In national parks, if an animal goes missing after a headcount, drones will immediately be dispatched to locate them and send first aid when necessary.
Studying different species and their behaviour also requires a certain distance. But a drone camera allows wildlife studies to thrive without the need to go into habitats. Researchers can observe subjects at close range and from any angle through the drone’s zoom features. Wildlife drones let you collect volumes of data while maintaining a healthy respect for flora and fauna.
Buying HD Video Camera Drones
As drones continue to prove their usefulness in different fields, they will eventually become a staple in society. Entrepreneurs and offices may want to start looking in the direction of drone technology to improve processes and be more productive. Are you looking to buy a multipurpose drone camera that does not cost a fortune? Explore the Mobileciti online tech store today and find a high-resolution drone that matches your budget and personal requirements. Free shipping for orders over $100!